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They don't buy benefits , they buy ... re: re: What do people buy? - Marketing Tip #2Views: 683
Dec 04, 2004 3:23 pmThey don't buy benefits , they buy ... re: re: What do people buy? - Marketing Tip #2#

Craig Elias
Leslie and Udan;

Not to be contrarian but people do not buy benefits.

They buy value.

They buy the value they get from those benefits.

Do I buy a drill because it delivers the benefit of drilling great holes - NO.

I buy a drill because I get great value from great holes.

The value of knowing my pictures get hung straight and won't come out of the wall and I won't have to repair the wall and do the whole thing over again.

Fell free to call me (415.613.6757) if you want to discuss this in person.


Craig Elias
Chief Executive Officer, InnerSell, Inc.
San Francisco, CA

> UDAYAN BOSE wrote:
> Agreed for most cases.
>But maybe not for something like a $100,000 perfume etc. where aspirations guide the buying motives.
>> Leslie Wolff wrote:
>> Although millions of dollars are spent extolling the features of a product or service, people only buy BENEFITS, real or perceived.
>>Can you succinctly express what the benefits are of your product or service? If not you've got a serious problem.

Private Reply to Craig Elias

Dec 05, 2004 4:06 amre: They don't buy benefits , they buy ... re: re: What do people buy? - Marketing Tip #2#

Ash Nallawalla
> Craig Elias wrote:

>Not to be contrarian but people do not buy benefits.
>They buy value.

Great articles and books and quotable quotes have been written on this topic (and it is a worthy topic). In reality, people buy what they think they are going to get. IOW, people buy Expectations.

People buy swamps in Florida or shares in Enron because they thought they were buying value. In China they sell this car with a Rolls Royce front end and Mercedes rear end because they are selling Prestige with a both-way bet. I don't know if it is value or a lemon, because that is in the mind of the buyer, but that (prestige/value) is the expectation.


Private Reply to Ash Nallawalla

Dec 05, 2004 4:47 amre: They don't buy benefits , they buy ... re: re: What do people buy? - Marketing Tip #2#

Personal Spiritual Life Coach
I am being contrarian to you my brother by saying that people do, in fact, buy benefits.

Perhaps it will help if I define a benefit for you.

A benefit is something that a product or service does for the customer, that the customer deems or perceives to be valuable.

People buy what products and services do for them.

Would you buy a drill that has great value, but drills terrible wholes? I would suppose not, because the drill would not be of any value to you because it drills terrible holes. It would be of value to you if it drills great holes. Thus, drilling great wholes is a benefit of buying the drill, and it's the reason you buy it.

People buy for specific benefits. People don't buy a honda civic because they get great value, although they do get that. They buy it because it gets 32 miles per gallon in the city, and 37 miles per gallon on the highway, and people save thousands of dollars in gas. With the gas prices going up, guess what car is being sold more? Guess why?

Value, is a superficial label that everyone and their momma slaps on their product or service. They say, "we provide value and great service", and customers say "oh really, i've heard that before, yawn" However when you hit customers with a concrete benefit to back that general statement, then you get their attention. "X product will save you 25%, reduce your work by 30%, increase you profits by 50%, save you 3 hours of work time, etc..., and we guarantee it or your money back" Well then, there is a concrete benefit backed by a guarantee. That is what people buy my brother - benefits. Value can be created by benefits (percieved or otherwise), but it is not the reason that people buy things.

> Craig Elias wrote:
> Leslie and Udan;
>Not to be contrarian but people do not buy benefits.
>They buy value.
>They buy the value they get from those benefits.
>Do I buy a drill because it delivers the benefit of drilling great holes - NO.
>I buy a drill because I get great value from great holes.
>The value of knowing my pictures get hung straight and won't come out of the wall and I won't have to repair the wall and do the whole thing over again.
>Fell free to call me (415.613.6757) if you want to discuss this in person.
>Craig Elias
>Chief Executive Officer, InnerSell, Inc.
>San Francisco, CA
>> UDAYAN BOSE wrote:
>> Agreed for most cases.
>>But maybe not for something like a $100,000 perfume etc. where aspirations guide the buying motives.
>>> Leslie Wolff wrote:
>>> Although millions of dollars are spent extolling the features of a product or service, people only buy BENEFITS, real or perceived.
>>>Can you succinctly express what the benefits are of your product or service? If not you've got a serious problem.

Private Reply to Personal Spiritual Life Coach

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