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14 Tips On How to Write Copy that Sells, (Part 1-4)Views: 552
Dec 04, 2004 9:00 am14 Tips On How to Write Copy that Sells, (Part 1-4)#

Personal Spiritual Life Coach
Tip 1: Before you write one word of copy make a benefits list. Benefits according to the customer, not according to what you think they are. The question you should ask is what is in it for them? (Them is your customer) And why should they be interested in what you have to say? Ask your current customers this question - What are the best things you get from our product or service?

Don’t assume you know what it is because if you do it can cost you a lot of money. Make this list ongoing so you are adding to it and updating it constantly. Once you compile the list, then reorganize it so you have your most beneficial benefits at the top and your least beneficial benefits at the bottom. Remember - Customer-Oriented Benefits.

Tip 2: Now that you have compiled your benefits list you can start writing headlines. Headlines need to be compelling and grab the reader's attention. Most successful copywriters and Marketers spend 70 - 80% of their time writing headlines.

Take out your benefits list and focus on the top 3 or 4 benefits. Write 40 to 50 headlines from your top 3-4 benefits. The advantage of writing so many is that you don't get caught up in trying to make just the "right" headline on your first try. Don't worry about what you come up with, just focus on writing headlines that are packed with your most beneficial benefits, and have fun with it. Now, you have a nice list of headlines to work with.

Tip 3: Now take your list of headlines and ask your friends, family, associates, and customers which headlines grab them the most.

You can send an email to your current customers and get them involved by saying something like, "I am grateful to have you as a customer and I value your opinion. I would like to ask your opinion on which of the following headlines you like best. Your response will determine how I can better serve you in the future." The results from this will save you time and money.

You could make it more enticing to your customer by saying something like this "If we decide to use the headline you picked as #1, you will get a discount (or a free gift), on you next purchase."

Tip 4: From the feedback you get from friends, family, and customers you should have a handful of powerful headlines (5-10). Now you can begin to write your copy. It is so much easier to write copy from good headlines then trying to write copy from the top of your head. It gives you a structure and keeps you focused on the most important thing - Customer-Oriented Benefits.


Mike Brown
Guerrilla Marketing Coach
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