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A New Business Model for Email Marketing #1Views: 630
Oct 16, 2004 5:58 pmA New Business Model for Email Marketing #1#

Chen Sun
I’d like to propose a new business model for email marketing.

I don't like bulk mail, and believe that relationship email is the way to go. What is relationship email? And why is this a new term?

Consider 95% of all companies--how do they market? They use relationships, with a sales representative.

What percentage of all companies use bulk email? I estimate less than 1%.

Thus, it seems that probably more than 94% of all companies can still utilize email for relationship marketing, if they can fight through all the spam.

If 94% of all firms still can use email for relationship marketing, how do they? They should use it in conjunction with their relationship selling. To understand this, we need to ask another question.

Presumably, websites are suppose to do web marketing. Do static corporate websites really work like they're suppose to--bring in millions on a single Internet channel? Only a few do. Are most static websites seen frequently even by a regular relationship customer? No. Thus, it seems that websites aren't working.

The goal is to have email market primarily where there is a relationship. This relationship email can encourage the recipient to visit the existing website.

My next post will describe what a relationship email should do.

Chen Sun
a Web Inventions eNterprise, WINning Solutions

Private Reply to Chen Sun

Oct 17, 2004 10:27 pmre: A New Business Model for Email Marketing #1#

Cijaye DePradine
Very well put Chen! If I can offer an extension to your statements as well, it would be that, beyond relationship marketing (direct or indirect), all other avenues should be considered as well. It's not enough anymore to target a customer through ONE method. The reason being that our customers are inundated by information. We are only going to be recognized if we come from all directions and secure their interest in one of two ways:

1). In the one direction that really matters to them
2). Because they finally take a moment to realize that "hey, this company is everywhere I look, listen or experience; what do they have to say and does it matter to me?"

This can no longer be done through simple and singular methods unless that customer is 100% loyal (which in itself is a very difficult place to arrive at).

Best regards...

Cijaye DePradine
SMP Network Facilitator

> Chen Sun wrote:
> I’d like to propose a new business model for email marketing.
>I don't like bulk mail, and believe that relationship email is the way to go. What is relationship email? And why is this a new term?
>Consider 95% of all companies--how do they market? They use relationships, with a sales representative.
>What percentage of all companies use bulk email? I estimate less than 1%.
>Thus, it seems that probably more than 94% of all companies can still utilize email for relationship marketing, if they can fight through all the spam.
>If 94% of all firms still can use email for relationship marketing, how do they? They should use it in conjunction with their relationship selling. To understand this, we need to ask another question.
>Presumably, websites are suppose to do web marketing. Do static corporate websites really work like they're suppose to--bring in millions on a single Internet channel? Only a few do. Are most static websites seen frequently even by a regular relationship customer? No. Thus, it seems that websites aren't working.
>The goal is to have email market primarily where there is a relationship. This relationship email can encourage the recipient to visit the existing website.
>My next post will describe what a relationship email should do.
>Chen Sun
>a Web Inventions eNterprise, WINning Solutions

Private Reply to Cijaye DePradine

Oct 18, 2004 10:53 amre: re: A New Business Model for Email Marketing #1#

Denise Ryder
Hi Chen and Cijaye...

Agree with both your views. In this day and age of saturation and the fact that we are hit constantly with hundreds of messages from companies, relationship marketing comes to customers like a breath of fresh air. "What you actually want to get to know me first and see how you really can help me???"

I agree Cijaye, you can not rely on just one method in order to build a relationship. While it is true that a sales rep is the first line of communication that a company has and of course the first "exposure" with respect to relationship marketing...it takes many different methods and exposures all working at once.

Perhaps the mindset is that as a larger company we don't have time to build a relationship...that we have sales margins to meet and boards to keep happy...so we will get the sale anyway we can.

THAT mindset is where the smaller business owner can take and use to their advantage by BEING that one-on-one relationship building empire.

Just some food for thought ;o)

Denise Ryder
Marketing Coach

> Cijaye DePradine wrote:
> Very well put Chen! If I can offer an extension to your statements as well, it would be that, beyond relationship marketing (direct or indirect), all other avenues should be considered as well. It's not enough anymore to target a customer through ONE method. The reason being that our customers are inundated by information. We are only going to be recognized if we come from all directions and secure their interest in one of two ways:
>1). In the one direction that really matters to them
>2). Because they finally take a moment to realize that "hey, this company is everywhere I look, listen or experience; what do they have to say and does it matter to me?"
>This can no longer be done through simple and singular methods unless that customer is 100% loyal (which in itself is a very difficult place to arrive at).
>Best regards...
>Cijaye DePradine
>SMP Network Facilitator
>> Chen Sun wrote:
>> I’d like to propose a new business model for email marketing.
>>I don't like bulk mail, and believe that relationship email is the way to go. What is relationship email? And why is this a new term?
>>Consider 95% of all companies--how do they market? They use relationships, with a sales representative.
>>What percentage of all companies use bulk email? I estimate less than 1%.
>>Thus, it seems that probably more than 94% of all companies can still utilize email for relationship marketing, if they can fight through all the spam.
>>If 94% of all firms still can use email for relationship marketing, how do they? They should use it in conjunction with their relationship selling. To understand this, we need to ask another question.
>>Presumably, websites are suppose to do web marketing. Do static corporate websites really work like they're suppose to--bring in millions on a single Internet channel? Only a few do. Are most static websites seen frequently even by a regular relationship customer? No. Thus, it seems that websites aren't working.
>>The goal is to have email market primarily where there is a relationship. This relationship email can encourage the recipient to visit the existing website.
>>My next post will describe what a relationship email should do.
>>Chen Sun
>>a Web Inventions eNterprise, WINning Solutions

Private Reply to Denise Ryder

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