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re: My 2 Cents on Cold CallingViews: 802
Sep 14, 2004 7:48 pmre: My 2 Cents on Cold Calling#

Denise Michaels
Hi Rick and others:

Been away for a week on a business trip to NY City and Denver. In Denver I had two, back-to-back speaking engagements at different seminars (different marketing related topics) so that was cool.

To respond to what you said about cold calling - I haven't had to cold call in a long time - but I remember those days. I was pretty good at it - even though I hated it.

Even though I've always liked Zig Ziglar - back in the days when I was cold calling I didn't need someone to get me all geeked up. I would listen to motivational stuff like Zig or Mark Victor Hansen on my Walkman when I would be out walking and when it was time to sit down and dial I would be almost depressed because all that positive motivation just flew out the window when I was afraid of rejection. Yes, I said I did pretty well with cold calling (that was back in my 20s), but I know I could've done much better if it didn't take me so dang long to actually pick up the phone.

I discovered a book a few years ago called "Starting from NO: 10 Ways to Deal With Rejection in Business and in Life" by Azriela Jaffe. To me this book is much more to the point and really deals with the stuff that held me back.

All the best,

Denise Michaels
TFM Network Moderator

PS: Calling women biz owners! Love your business but hate gettting the word out? Get marketing help now. Go to http://www.denisemichaels.com/TFMteleclasses.htm (Last time at this very low price.)

> Rick wrote:
> I haven't done that much cold calling, but I learned a lot about it from Zig Ziglar, and he is a well-respected, corporate trainer for sales. Has anyone else been impressed with Mr. Ziglar's training? (snip)

Private Reply to Denise Michaels

Dec 07, 2004 12:15 amre: re: My 2 Cents on Cold Calling#

gwen morrison
Cold calling is not my favorite thing to do and I'm with Denise. I'd do much better if I'd stop spending time thinking about it and just doing it! I hate rejection. I don't take it personally but am always flabbergasted that I couldn't SHOW the person on the other end of the phone why it would benefit them to place an ad in our publication. Heck, I've created a media kit that offers something for everyone!! So, why NOT? They should be jumping at the opportunity. And they might -- if I would do more cold calling!

Georgia Lifestyles magazine

> Denise Michaels wrote:
> Hi Rick and others:
>Been away for a week on a business trip to NY City and Denver. In Denver I had two, back-to-back speaking engagements at different seminars (different marketing related topics) so that was cool.
>To respond to what you said about cold calling - I haven't had to cold call in a long time - but I remember those days. I was pretty good at it - even though I hated it.
>Even though I've always liked Zig Ziglar - back in the days when I was cold calling I didn't need someone to get me all geeked up. I would listen to motivational stuff like Zig or Mark Victor Hansen on my Walkman when I would be out walking and when it was time to sit down and dial I would be almost depressed because all that positive motivation just flew out the window when I was afraid of rejection. Yes, I said I did pretty well with cold calling (that was back in my 20s), but I know I could've done much better if it didn't take me so dang long to actually pick up the phone.
>I discovered a book a few years ago called "Starting from NO: 10 Ways to Deal With Rejection in Business and in Life" by Azriela Jaffe. To me this book is much more to the point and really deals with the stuff that held me back.
>All the best,
>Denise Michaels
>TFM Network Moderator
>PS: Calling women biz owners! Love your business but hate gettting the word out? Get marketing help now. Go to http://www.denisemichaels.com/TFMteleclasses.htm (Last time at this very low price.)
>> Rick wrote:
>> I haven't done that much cold calling, but I learned a lot about it from Zig Ziglar, and he is a well-respected, corporate trainer for sales. Has anyone else been impressed with Mr. Ziglar's training? (snip)

Private Reply to gwen morrison

Dec 09, 2004 3:15 pmre: re: re: My 2 Cents on Cold Calling#

Thought I'd share MY "2 cents worth" on this... :-)

Even though I've managed to wade through a few chapters written by Mr. Zig Zagler – I never managed to get very far before I fell asleep :-) I'm sure he's a good writer and an "expert" of sorts, but as far as sales goes I don't think one can substitute real life experience for ANYTHING!

On the subject of cold calling, I haven't really met many – actually make that any sales person who quite enjoyed doing it. But it's the foundation on which sales success is built and there really is no getting away from it if you want to make it in sales. Even if you get to a point in your career where you don't really need to cold call yourself – I'd recommend you still do one or two "cold calls" a day. Keeps you in good nick...

Many companies – especially in the US & UK have begun to outsource this activity to offshore destinations where it can be done at a fraction of the cost. But that'll be the subject of another post.


> gwen morrison wrote:
> Cold calling is not my favorite thing to do and I'm with Denise. I'd do much better if I'd stop spending time thinking about it and just doing it! I hate rejection. I don't take it personally but am always flabbergasted that I couldn't SHOW the person on the other end of the phone why it would benefit them to place an ad in our publication. Heck, I've created a media kit that offers something for everyone!! So, why NOT? They should be jumping at the opportunity. And they might -- if I would do more cold calling!
>Georgia Lifestyles magazine
>> Denise Michaels wrote:
>> Hi Rick and others:
>>Been away for a week on a business trip to NY City and Denver. In Denver I had two, back-to-back speaking engagements at different seminars (different marketing related topics) so that was cool.
>>To respond to what you said about cold calling - I haven't had to cold call in a long time - but I remember those days. I was pretty good at it - even though I hated it.
>>Even though I've always liked Zig Ziglar - back in the days when I was cold calling I didn't need someone to get me all geeked up. I would listen to motivational stuff like Zig or Mark Victor Hansen on my Walkman when I would be out walking and when it was time to sit down and dial I would be almost depressed because all that positive motivation just flew out the window when I was afraid of rejection. Yes, I said I did pretty well with cold calling (that was back in my 20s), but I know I could've done much better if it didn't take me so dang long to actually pick up the phone.
>>I discovered a book a few years ago called "Starting from NO: 10 Ways to Deal With Rejection in Business and in Life" by Azriela Jaffe. To me this book is much more to the point and really deals with the stuff that held me back.
>>All the best,
>>Denise Michaels
>>TFM Network Moderator
>>PS: Calling women biz owners! Love your business but hate gettting the word out? Get marketing help now. Go to http://www.denisemichaels.com/TFMteleclasses.htm (Last time at this very low price.)
>>> Rick wrote:
>>> I haven't done that much cold calling, but I learned a lot about it from Zig Ziglar, and he is a well-respected, corporate trainer for sales. Has anyone else been impressed with Mr. Ziglar's training? (snip)

Private Reply to Abhijeet

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