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re: Tips For Newspaper Advertising / More TipsViews: 449
Oct 08, 2004 11:05 pmre: Tips For Newspaper Advertising / More Tips#

Dean Jones

Hi Michael,

I am glad you brought up an "offline" advertising idea.

Too many businesspeople believe that "traditional advertising" is too expensive. And as you point out, there are ways to advertise at an attractive price.

My tip is for anyone who wants to use classified advertising. **Don't try to make the sale with the ad.** The size limitation as well as the word count issue are just two reasons why this "one step" method has limited success.

Instead, use a "two step" method for better results. Using this technique, the advertiser offers something (a special report etc) that entices the person to "take action", more specifically MAKE CONTACT with you. Once you have received their contact information (email address, physical address etc), you now have the opportunity to "sell to them" with other techniques.

Dean Jones, co-moderator
Marketing YOU

> Michael Lemm wrote:
> With all the emphasis on online marketing, most people are probably forgetting one of the most powerful means of advertising available.
>I'm talking about classified advertising in newspapers. Most people are aware of what you have to do to place an ad in a daily or weekly newspaper, but did you know there are companies that will place your ad in literally hundreds of papers with circulation's in the millions for pennies per ad? Instead of paying the ridiculously high ad rates newspapers charge for a single classified, you can get that very same ad placed in hundreds of newspapers for pennies. Usually about $0.20-$0.30 per ad.
>Another good thing is that many of these newspapers will accept business opportunity ads too. Below is a list of a few companies you can contact or visit their web sites and see the prices of their advertising packages. Think about it, one ad that draws a response rate of .05%, that's 1/2 of 1 percent, on a circulation of 4 million can bring in $10,000-$20,000 in a very short period of time. Your cost for this type of ad. About $250-$450. These companies also offer less expensive packages if you just want to test an ad. But this type of advertising works. You can post your URL in the ad and still sell from your website.
>Maybe you've never given much thought to this type of advertising related to your online business. Maybe none of your programs ever discussed this with you. Maybe they just don't know about it. But now you have a very powerful means of getting your message out that can earn substantial profit on your investment.
>Here are some resources you can contact to see what kind of advertising packages they offer.
>Nationwide Classifieds
>Discount National Newspaper Advertising
>You can also find great packages through state or regional press associations. Each state or region has press associations which consist of a group of newspapers. You can do a search at any search engine for 'press association' and find this information. Many will even help you with your ad.
>Hope some of you can use this.....
>God Bless,
>Michael Lemm
>FreedomFire Communications

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