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How do you manage gatekeepersViews: 327
Mar 27, 2005 1:23 am How do you manage gatekeepers

Dean H.

I was reading the newly released networking book, "Never Eat Alone" by Keith Ferrazzi. It's very new to the shelves but I believe it will be a great networking book classic.

He devotes part of the book to learning how to manage as well as get past gatekeepers (secretaries, admin assistants, etc...). I found he use of tact to be very effective in getting past the gatekeepers, but he only devoted a few pages to it. And I was dying for more information.

I run a financial services practice that targets small businesses and their owners in the DC area. Obviously, getting to the decision maker is key to me and my business. I'd like to know what sort of techniques and strategies do professionals on this forum use to get past gatekeepers? Any good web resources out there that can teach us to be better at this art?

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