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Recovering from a BOMBED demoViews: 271
Mar 14, 2005 11:03 pm re: Recovering from a BOMBED demo
Brian Ward Rarely do you bomb as bad as you think as we are always more critical of ourselves than those who might purchase an item from us. When in the past I felt like I "Bombed" a presentation I usually give it a few days then make a return call and ask for an additional appointment for another demonstration. I have always been up front in telling my client that I didn't give the presentation that I felt like they deserved and I believe it would be in everyones best interest to go over the product one more time since so much has been invested by everyone up to this point. You will be suprised how many times you will get that "Second Chance"! Corporate America is ruthless when it comes to money but very very gracious when it comes to second chances. "I KNOW" :)

Private Reply to Brian Ward (new win)

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