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74 Important and Impactful QuestionsViews: 264
Mar 19, 2007 5:50 am 74 Important and Impactful Questions

Denise Michaels
These questions come from my friend David Cooper, a sales trainer. He says that they should be delivered in a soft tone of voice while smiling and nodding.

Enjoy - there are a lot of "good ones" in this list.

1. Can you get excited about……………..?
2. Do you see the value of………………..?
3. Do you see the benefit of…………….. ?
4. Can you see the merit in………………?
5. Wouldn’t it be terrific if………………?
6. Aren’t you glad that ………………….?
7. Aren’t you looking forward to………..?
8. Doesn’t it make sense to ……………..?
9. Don’t you agree ………………………?
10. Isn’t it going to be fun when………….?
11. Isn’t it about time that ………………..?
12. Doesn’t it give you confidence to know…….?
13. Wouldn’t it be worth while to find…………..?
14. Can you see the advantage of………………..?
15. Wouldn’t it be reassuring to…………………?
16. Don’t you feel that …………………………..?
17. Wouldn’t it be great to save money by………?
18. Aren’t you really excited that ……………….?
19. Won’t it be gratifying when…………………?
20. Isn’t it good to know…………………………?
21. Wouldn’t it be marvelous to ………………...?
22. Haven’t you enjoyed…………………………?
23. Haven’t you benefited by……………………?
24. Wouldn’t you be happy to find……………...?
25. Aren’t you happy to know…………………..?
26. Aren’t you anxious to know………………...?
27. Isn’t it fantastic to know…………………….?
28. Isn’t it wonderful to find…………………….?
29. Wouldn’t it be satisfying to know…………..?
30. Isn’t it worth considering that……………...?
31. Wouldn’t you prefer………………………..?
32. Don’t you feel that it is best if……………..?
33. Don’t you feel knowing that……………….?
34. Can’t you see how this would……………...?
35. Wouldn’t it be significant if……………….?
36. Wouldn’t you like to strive for…………….?
37. Wouldn’t a higher quality life be worth……?
38. Wouldn’t it be tremendous if………………?
39. Wouldn’t you agree………………………..?
40. Wouldn’t it be great………………………..?
41. Wouldn’t it open doors if………………….?
42. Isn’t it worth……………………………….?
43. Wouldn’t you benefit by…………………..?
44. Can you gain from…………….…………..?
45. What do you think about………………….?
46. Isn’t that exciting………………………….?
47. Wouldn’t you feel better if………………..?
48. If the results were…………………………?
49. Wouldn’t it change your mind if………….?
50. Wouldn’t you reach the top quicker by…...?
51. Wouldn’t it help your career if…………...?
52. Do you feel the power in………………….?
53. Isn’t it stimulating when………………….?
54. Don’t you know that………………………?
55. Wouldn’t a highlight be…………………..?
56. Couldn’t it light up your life………………?
57. Aren’t you delighted that…………………?
58. Doesn’t it thrill you to know……………...?
59. Wouldn’t you be pleased if……………….?
60. Wouldn’t you take pride in……………….?
61. Wouldn’t it be motivating to……………..?
62. Wouldn’t you love to grow by……………?
63. Isn’t it inspiring to know…………………?
64. Wouldn’t it make a difference if…………?
65. Wouldn’t your success be guaranteed if….?
66. Wouldn’t you enjoy knowing…………….?
67. Do you realize the importance of…………?
68. Wouldn’t your family enjoy……………..?
69. Can you see the potential of……………..?
70. Wouldn’t it be comforting to know………?
71. Wouldn’t it be an exciting challenge if…..?
72. Isn’t it going to be incredible when……...?
73. Could you reach more of your potential by..?
74. Can you visualize the monetary gain of……?

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