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Marketing, Channels/Partnership & Sales Execs [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Channel Compensation PlansViews: 218
Oct 05, 2005 9:10 am re: Channel Compensation Plans

Where The MIND is Without FEAR
HI Chris,
Congrats on you moving from direct sales to Channel sales,
lemme give you a few benefits of doing sales through channels,
a. you get o have a wide coveragre in the market
b. you can increase your business rapidly through channles
c. you get to choose the business , since you can afford to choose, as you should be having a string of leads.
d. you get to have a chance to compete directly with the BIG BOYS in the industry , and you can chalk your own plans to join the league
e. you create a brand equity very fast
f. you can focus on your core competance areas, theerby delivering A class products /services

Since there are so many advantages, theer are bound to be as many disadvantages in the CP system
a. You get to depend on a third aprty for your business
b. you have to share a portion of your margin to your CP
c. At times( almost all teh times), the CP behaves in an uncontrollable fashion( plzz do not forget, the channel partners , who are an extension of your business, are INDEPENDENT BUSINESSMEN)
d. Control and monitoring of these CP is a herculian task
e. Conflict management among CP is a great headache( at times it might occupy a major portion of your time)
f. Do not expect loyalty from a CP ....

and the list goes on.....

and so where do you stand,
a.have a selection criteria, for the CP based on your business and appoint them ,
b.focus on training , as it hapens the most important factor for the succcess of your business
c.Transperancy should be maintained with the CP, for a long lasting relationship
d. look for a long relationship with the CP instead of short term benefit
e. conflict manaagement should be done at very frequent intervals
f.See to their growth, which is nothing but your growth....

All the best ,
just inc ase you need any further details , feel free to drop a word,

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