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Marketing, Channels/Partnership & Sales Execs [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
The changing face of sales?Views: 216
Jun 09, 2005 1:58 pm re: re: re: re: The changing face of sales?

Sheri Sepanak
I agree 100%! I think we're at a point where we can utilize some of the new tools at our disposal and mix it with our proven knowledge that people buy from people they like, point being, get in front of them at SOME point!

Many of my customers prefer gathering their initial information via web/video/audio conferencing and I'd like to think that they can tell I'm a happy, lively soul through my voice alone and by the fact that I follow up as I say I will, which builds trust. I'd like to think that when I say I'll get them more information and it shows up on their laptop two minutes later that they see I'm serious about what I do. I also think I can integrate the personal touch with new technology...for instance, Mr. Smith takes ten minutes to do a web conference with me and I send him a hand written thank you note immediately after. I think there can be a happy balance.

As technology progresses and the human touch gets further and further left in the dust, those of us who will be successful will be the ones that remember "how things use to be." We have to be open to new technology so we don't get left behind but we also have to remember that unless we're selling to robots, we can never completely eliminate the human touch. Who knows, maybe someday we WILL be selling to robots!

Private Reply to Sheri Sepanak (new win)

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