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How do you manage gatekeepersViews: 227
Jun 01, 2005 2:22 pm re: How do you manage gatekeepers

Warren Hayford
I have run across some good ideas on this in Anthony Parinello's book "Selling to VITO (the Very Important Top Officer). Parinello defines the Executive Secretary as "second most powerful person in the organization... This is a person you want - and must treat - as a poweful ally".

Parinello goes even further in "Getting to VITO", saying "Gatekeepers are God". He explains as follows:

"Do right by the Gatekeeper and you'll get right into sales heaven, that lovely place where really big sales happen really fast.

Do wrong by the Gatekeeper and you'll wind up in sales hell, that crappy place where really tiny sales happen really slowly."

This is consistent with my experience in large organizations. The Executive Assistants I have worked with and through in over 25 years have all been bright, capable, and dedicated people who have the full trust and faith of their executive. They need the same high level, high trust approach and communication you will give their boss. When you speak with them you are auditioning for an opportunity to connect with their boss.

Private Reply to Warren Hayford (new win)

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